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I'm of course making light of our most pressing economic problem because the only other response to the fact the UK has entered a prolonged double dip recession is to weep. Here's why (and it is worth going back to basics on this).
As a recent detailed analysis by the FT has helped further demonstrate this generation of young adults are the very first in 75 years not to have higher living standards than those born ten years previously. This is a trend which has had long term roots.
Worse than that (yes it gets worse) paras online casino 045, young adults are also insecure. Savings rates for pensions amongst the young are miserably low (largely I'd argue because they don't feel they have the disposable income to pay out). 'Flexible' employment contracts turn out to be plain unstable and ever more young Britons are being forced into the over priced and insecure private rented sector.
The answers are there, but unlike the Essex lion casino kinder coushatta, ignoring the problem won't make it disappear.
What is the effect on young ability to buy long term durable goods, without a secure home in which to put them in? How can they possibly start businesses without a modicum of capital to their name? Where will they find the money and stability to raise families or will this, as we can seen. continued to be delayed?
This is a mystery which has been answered by two – increasingly stale – responses. Those on the liberal side of the debate say our previous output was only maintained by mis-allocated credit. In essence we printed money to pay for goods (produced domestically or from abroad) which we could never really afford. The subsequent depression is the inevitable response to the boom paras online casino 045, but it will bring us back to a more naturally 'affordable' standard of living. Government should not intervene in the process of deflation.
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